Welcome to the first blog post of 2021! Blogging is as you know not my priority but I will always keep my blog since it was blogging I started with and I do enjoy it sometimes. I have been very bad at updating my Instagram as well lately. Or since the summer basically so over 6 months haha! But it has been so dark here (Swedish winters are really really dark. We only get daylight about 3 hours a day and sometimes it's nothing...) and during the winter and fall months, my motivation goes down as well. But now it's a new year and spring and summer are something to look forward to and today it was actually sunny outside which made me feel some hope for the future...
One thing I look forward to a lot is spring and summer fashion! I prefer spring and summer clothes over winter. I know, it's cozy to wear knitwear and soft sweaters but my heart beats for summer dresses and skirts.
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