Flower Bouquet And Thoughts About School...

How gorgeous are those flowers?? Kevin got them on his birthday from his family and they are so beautiful. And I borrowed them for some photos hehe... of course. They are standing in our living room right now and I just can't stop looking at them. 

This week I'm working a little and studying for my test which is next week on Thursday. I have to admit that I hate to study. I really don't miss school and I'm so happy that I study from home because that makes it a little bit easier because I feel comfortable at home. But I don't think I will ever go back to a "real school" like uni, where you have to go every day. Most of my friends are going to uni and it feels like according to society, you should go to uni, but it's not for everyone. It's not for me. Everyone is different. But I'm so happy for my friend who is one of my best friends because she just got into MED SCHOOL which is sooooo cool! I'm so happy and proud of her. She really deserves it. ♡♡♡

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