New Blog Design!

As you can see, I have a new blog design! Before I had a grid-style blog design (this one) and it looked beautiful and I had it for a couple of years. But I personally think it's easier to read a blog with a scroll-down design rather than a grid-style, so now I have changed and it feels so good. I purchased my new design from BestForBlogger at Etsy and it was so cheap. I was so surprised that a beautiful blog design like this can be so cheap. And I got 3 designs in 1 actually, because I can change to grid-style or gallery-style if I want to, they came in the same file. How great?! And I also needed some help with the slider gadget so I emailed the owner Jenny, and she replied within 5 minutes so really good service and very helpful. I highly recommend buying a blog design from her. This design was as easy to install as my previous one and that one was much more expensive! I'm so happy with my new design. I think it looks very clean but cute. 

I might change my header later thought. I'm not really pleased with it. And yes I made it myself if you can't tell haha. I would like to get a header by a professional, but we will see. 

You find more blogger templates from BestForBlogger HERE

Now I'm off to the gym! I should study but.... I prefer to workout hihi. I will try to study after. I promise... 

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