Happy hump day everyone! I hope you're having a good week so far! I didn't had any school this Monday so that made me very happy haha! But today is a pretty hectic day. First, I'm going to my physiotherapist in the morning before school and then I have a full day in school and finish 17:10 with dance and then I'm off to my gymnastics that starts at 17:00 so it's always a bit stressful on Wednesdays. But luckily, I have a very kind mom that drives me to my gymnastics ❤❤
This is an outfit I wore last weekend. I got the blouse in October but haven't showed you it yet. I have worn it many times but I don't have time to shoot outfits during the weekdays now because it's dark when I leave in the morning and dark when I come home and if I'm home in the day, my mom isn't home. Haha blogger problems I know!😆 I can't wait for the Spring and Summer to come soon so it gets brighter outside!
This outfit wasn't so practical to wear that day though haha! I have done a little room makeover (I'm working on the decor now but I will show you when it's done!) and we did a lot of lifting haha! But everything went fine! My boyfriend helped as well so we did great 💕
Blouse Mango
Bag Similar
Earrings A gift
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